Magnetic Anomaly Maps

The following are key functions related to magnetic anomaly maps.

Load Map Data

get_map(map_file::String   = namad;
        map_info::String   = splitpath(map_file)[end],
        map_units::Symbol  = :rad,
        file_units::Symbol = :deg,
        flip_map::Bool     = false)

Get map data from saved HDF5 or MAT file or folder containing CSV files. Maps are typically saved in :deg units, while :rad is used internally.


  • map_file: path/name of map data HDF5 or MAT file (.h5 or .mat extension required) or folder containing CSV files
  • map_info: (optional) map information, only used if not in map_file
  • map_units: (optional) map xx/yy units to use in map_map {:rad,:deg}
  • file_units: (optional) map xx/yy units used in map_file {:rad,:deg}
  • flip_map: (optional) if true, vertically flip data from map file (possibly useful for CSV map)


  • map_map: Map magnetic anomaly map struct
get_map(map_name::Symbol, df_map::DataFrame;
        map_info::String   = "$map_name",
        map_units::Symbol  = :rad,
        file_units::Symbol = :deg,
        flip_map::Bool     = false)

Get map data from saved HDF5 or MAT file or folder containing CSV files via DataFrame lookup. Maps are typically saved in :deg units, while :rad is used internally.


  • map_name: name of magnetic anomaly map
  • df_map: lookup table (DataFrame) of map data HDF5 and/or MAT files and/or folder containing CSV files
map_nameSymbolname of magnetic anomaly map
map_fileStringpath/name of map data HDF5 or MAT file (.h5 or .mat extension required) or folder containing CSV files
  • map_info: (optional) map information, only used if not in map_file
  • map_units: (optional) map xx/yy units to use in map_map {:rad,:deg}
  • file_units: (optional) map xx/yy units used in files within df_map {:rad,:deg}
  • flip_map: (optional) if true, vertically flip data from map file (possibly useful for CSV map)


  • map_map: Map magnetic anomaly map struct

Upward Continue Map

upward_fft(map_map::Matrix, dx, dy, dz; expand::Bool = true, α = 0)

Upward continuation of a potential field (i.e., magnetic anomaly field) map. Uses the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) to convert the map to the frequency domain, applies an upward continuation filter, and uses the inverse FFT to convert the map back to the spatial domain. Optionally expands the map temporarily with periodic padding. Downward continuation may be performed to a limited degree as well, but be careful, as this is generally unstable and amplify high frequencies (i.e., noise).

Reference: Blakely, Potential Theory in Gravity and Magnetic Applications, 2009, Chapter 12 & Appendix B (pg. 315-317 & 402).


  • map_map: ny x nx 2D gridded map data
  • dx: x-direction map step size [m]
  • dy: y-direction map step size [m]
  • dz: z-direction upward/downward continuation distance(s) [m]
  • expand: (optional) if true, expand map temporarily to reduce edge effects
  • α: (optional) regularization parameter for downward continuation


  • map_map: ny x nx 2D gridded map data, upward/downward continued
upward_fft(map_map::Map, alt; expand::Bool = true, α = 0)

Upward continuation of a potential field (i.e., magnetic anomaly field) map. Uses the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) to convert the map to the frequency domain, applies an upward continuation filter, and uses the inverse FFT to convert the map back to the spatial domain. Optionally expands the map temporarily with periodic padding. Downward continuation may be performed to a limited degree as well, but be careful, as this is generally unstable and amplify high frequencies (i.e., noise).

Reference: Blakely, Potential Theory in Gravity and Magnetic Applications, 2009, Chapter 12 & Appendix B (pg. 315-317 & 402).


  • map_map: Map magnetic anomaly map struct
  • alt: target upward continuation altitude(s) [m]
  • expand: (optional) if true, expand map temporarily to reduce edge effects
  • α: (optional) regularization parameter for downward continuation


  • map_map: Map magnetic anomaly map struct, upward/downward continued (MapS with alt vector => MapS3D)

Interpolate Map

                type::Symbol = :cubic,
                map_alt::AbstractVector = []) where T

Create map interpolation function, equivalent of griddedInterpolant in MATLAB.


  • map_map: ny x nx (x nz) 2D or 3D gridded map data
  • map_xx: nx map x-direction (longitude) coordinates
  • map_yy: ny map y-direction (latitude) coordinates
  • type: (optional) type of interpolation {:linear,:quad,:cubic}
  • map_alt: (optional) map altitude levels


  • itp_map: map interpolation function (f(yy,xx) or (f(yy,xx,alt))
map_interpolate(mapS::Union{MapS,MapSd,MapS3D}, type::Symbol = :cubic;
                return_vert_deriv::Bool = false)

Create map interpolation function, equivalent of griddedInterpolant in MATLAB. Optionally return vertical derivative map interpolation function, which is calculated using finite differences between map and 1 m upward continued map.


  • mapS: MapS, MapSd, or MapS3D scalar magnetic anomaly map struct
  • type: (optional) type of interpolation {:linear,:quad,:cubic}
  • return_vert_deriv: (optional) if true, also return der_map


  • itp_map: map interpolation function (f(yy,xx) or (f(yy,xx,alt))
  • der_map: if return_vert_deriv = true, vertical derivative map interpolation function (f(yy,xx) or (f(yy,xx,alt))
map_interpolate(mapV::MapV, dim::Symbol = :X, type::Symbol = :cubic)

Create map interpolation function, equivalent of griddedInterpolant in MATLAB.


  • mapV: MapV vector magnetic anomaly map struct
  • dim: map dimension to interpolate {:X,:Y,:Z}
  • type: (optional) type of interpolation {:linear,:quad,:cubic}


  • itp_map: map interpolation function (f(yy,xx))

Plot Map

         map_xx::Vector       = [],
         map_yy::Vector       = [];
         clims::Tuple         = (),
         dpi::Int             = 200,
         margin::Int          = 2,
         Nmax::Int            = 6*dpi,
         legend::Bool         = true,
         axis::Bool           = true,
         map_color::Symbol    = :usgs,
         bg_color::Symbol     = :white,
         map_units::Symbol    = :rad,
         plot_units::Symbol   = :deg,
         b_e::AbstractBackend = gr())

Plot map.


  • map_map: ny x nx 2D gridded map data
  • map_xx: nx map x-direction (longitude) coordinates [rad] or [deg]
  • map_yy: ny map y-direction (latitude) coordinates [rad] or [deg]
  • clims: (optional) length-2 colorbar limits (cmin,cmax)
  • dpi: (optional) dots per inch (image resolution)
  • margin: (optional) margin around plot [mm]
  • Nmax: (optional) maximum number of data points plotted (per axis)
  • legend: (optional) if true, show legend
  • axis: (optional) if true, show axes
  • map_color: (optional) filled contour color scheme {:usgs,:gray,:gray1,:gray2,:plasma,:magma}
  • bg_color: (optional) background color
  • map_units: (optional) map xx/yy units {:rad,:deg}
  • plot_units: (optional) plot xx/yy units {:rad,:deg,:m}
  • b_e: (optional) plotting backend


  • p1: plot of map
         use_mask::Bool       = true,
         clims::Tuple         = (),
         dpi::Int             = 200,
         margin::Int          = 2,
         Nmax::Int            = 6*dpi,
         legend::Bool         = true,
         axis::Bool           = true,
         map_color::Symbol    = :usgs,
         bg_color::Symbol     = :white,
         map_units::Symbol    = :rad,
         plot_units::Symbol   = :deg,
         b_e::AbstractBackend = gr())

Plot map.


  • map_map: Map magnetic anomaly map struct
  • use_mask: (optional) if true, apply map_map mask to map
  • clims: (optional) length-2 colorbar limits (cmin,cmax)
  • dpi: (optional) dots per inch (image resolution)
  • margin: (optional) margin around plot [mm]
  • Nmax: (optional) maximum number of data points plotted (per axis)
  • legend: (optional) if true, show legend
  • axis: (optional) if true, show axes
  • map_color: (optional) filled contour color scheme {:usgs,:gray,:gray1,:gray2,:plasma,:magma}
  • bg_color: (optional) background color
  • map_units: (optional) map xx/yy units {:rad,:deg}
  • plot_units: (optional) plot xx/yy units {:rad,:deg,:m}
  • b_e: (optional) plotting backend


  • p1: plot of map (if map_map isa MapV, mapX)
  • p2: if map_map isa MapV, mapY
  • p3: if map_map isa MapV, mapZ