Model 3 Training & Explainability
This file is best viewed in a Pluto notebook. To run it this way, from the MagNav.jl directory, do:
julia> using Pluto
julia> # select & open notebook
This is a reactive notebook, so feel free to change any parameters of interest, like adding/removing features to the model, changing the number of training epochs, switching between versions of model 3 (scalar is :m3s
, vector is :m3v
), or different training & testing lines.
Import packages and DataFrames
The DataFrames listed below provide useful information about the flight data collected by Sander Geophysics Ltd. (SGL) & magnetic anomaly maps.
Dataframe | Description |
df_map | map files relevant for SGL flights |
df_cal | SGL calibration flight lines |
df_flight | SGL flight files |
df_all | all flight lines |
df_nav | all navigation-capable flight lines |
df_event | pilot-recorded in-flight events |
# uncomment line below to use local MagNav.jl (downloaded folder)
# using Pkg; Pkg.activate("../"); Pkg.instantiate()
using MagNav
using CSV, DataFrames
using Plots: plot, plot!
using Random: seed!
using Statistics: mean, median, std
seed!(33); # for reproducibility
include("dataframes_setup.jl"); # setup DataFrames
Train a (linear) Tolles-Lawson model
Select Flight 1006 (see readme), load the flight data, & get the Boolean indices for a specific calibration flight line that is used to fit the Tolles-Lawson coefficients. The full list of SGL flights is in df_flight
, & the full list of calibration flight line options is in df_cal
flight_train = :Flt1006; # select flight, full list in df_flight
reorient_vec = true; # align vector magnetometers with aircraft body frame
xyz_train = get_XYZ(flight_train, df_flight;
reorient_vec=reorient_vec, silent=true); # load flight data
begin # select a calibration flight line to train Tolles-Lawson on
println(df_cal[df_cal.flight .== flight_train, :])
TL_i = 6 # select first calibration box of 1006.04
TL_ind = get_ind(xyz_train;tt_lim=[df_cal.t_start[TL_i],df_cal.t_end[TL_i]])
Select magnetometers & parameters to be used with Tolles-Lawson.
begin # try modifying these parameters
use_mag = :mag_4_uc
use_vec = :flux_d
terms = [:permanent,:induced,:eddy]
flux = getfield(xyz_train,use_vec)
comp_params_lin_init = LinCompParams(model_type = :TL,
y_type = :e,
use_mag = use_mag,
use_vec = use_vec,
terms_A = terms,
sub_diurnal = false,
sub_igrf = false,
reorient_vec = reorient_vec)
tt = ([TL_ind] .-[TL_ind][1]) / 60
p1 = plot(xlab="time [min]",ylab="magnetic field [nT]",dpi=200,
plot!(p1, tt, xyz_train.igrf[TL_ind], lab="IGRF core field")
plot!(p1, tt, xyz_train.mag_1_c[TL_ind], lab="compensated tail stinger")
plot!(p1, tt, xyz_train.mag_4_uc[TL_ind], lab="uncompensated Mag 4")
plot!(p1, tt, xyz_train.flux_a.t[TL_ind], lab="vector Flux A, total field")
begin # Tolles-Lawson calibration
(comp_params_lin, _, _, err_TL) =
comp_train(comp_params_lin_init, xyz_train, TL_ind)
TL_a_4 = comp_params_lin.model[1]
Select a flight line from Flight 1006 (see readme) to compare different compensation models. The full list of navigation-capable flight lines is in df_nav
flight_test = :Flt1006 # select flight, full list in df_flight
println(df_nav[df_nav.flight .== flight_test, :])
xyz_test = get_XYZ(flight_test, df_flight;
reorient_vec=reorient_vec, silent=true) # load flight data
lines_test = [1006.08]
ind_test = get_ind(xyz_test, lines_test, df_nav) # get Boolean indices
Perform Tolles-Lawson compensation on lines_test
. The full list of SGL flights is in df_flight
, the full list of maps is in df_map
, & the full list of flight lines is in df_all
comp_test(comp_params_lin, lines_test, df_all, df_flight, df_map);
Model 3 training
Create a low-pass (not the default, bandpass)-filtered version of the coefficients to preserve the Earth field, which helps to remove a bias term in the Tolles-Lawson (TL) fitting.
This shows how the bandpass filter causes a bias in the compensation (filtering out the Earth field). That is not a problem for navigating, but it is preferred to not have the neural network learn a simple correction that could be accounted for more simply by Tolles-Lawson.
# create Tolles-Lawson coefficients with use_vec & use_mag
TL_coef = create_TL_coef(getfield(xyz_train,use_vec),
getfield(xyz_train,use_mag)-xyz_train.mag_1_c, TL_ind;
terms=terms, pass1=0.0, pass2=0.9);
begin # create Tolles-Lawson `A` matrix & perform compensation
A = create_TL_A(flux,TL_ind)
mag_1_sgl_TL_train = xyz_train.mag_1_c[TL_ind]
mag_4_uc_TL_train = xyz_train.mag_4_uc[TL_ind]
mag_4_c_bpf = mag_4_uc_TL_train - A*TL_a_4
mag_4_c_lpf = mag_4_uc_TL_train - A*TL_coef
p2 = plot(xlab="time [min]",ylab="magnetic field [nT]",dpi=200,
plot!(p2, tt, mag_1_sgl_TL_train, lab="ground truth")
plot!(p2, tt, mag_4_c_lpf, lab="low-pass filtered TL")
plot!(p2, tt, mag_4_c_bpf, lab="bandpass filtered TL")
Training data & parameters
Set the training lines (all from the same flight in this example), select a model type, features for the neural network, & intialize all of this using the NNCompParams
data structure, which keeps all these configuration/learning settings in one place. For model 3, it is important to not normalize Tolles-Lawson A
matrix, unlike the x
input data matrix & y
target vector.
lines_train = [1006.03, 1006.04, 1006.05, 1006.06]
ind_train = get_ind(xyz_train, lines_train, df_all) # get Boolean indices
model_type = :m3s
features = [:mag_4_uc, :lpf_cur_com_1, :lpf_cur_strb, :lpf_cur_outpwr, :lpf_cur_ac_lo, :TL_A_flux_a]
comp_params_init = NNCompParams(features_setup = features,
model_type = model_type,
y_type = :d,
use_mag = use_mag,
use_vec = use_vec,
terms = [:permanent,:induced,:eddy],
terms_A = [:permanent,:induced,:eddy],
sub_diurnal = false,
sub_igrf = false,
bpf_mag = false,
reorient_vec = reorient_vec,
norm_type_A = :none,
norm_type_x = :normalize,
norm_type_y = :normalize,
TL_coef = TL_coef,
η_adam = 0.001,
epoch_adam = 100,
epoch_lbfgs = 0,
hidden = [8,4],
batchsize = 2048,
frac_train = 13/17);
# neural network calibration
(comp_params, y_train, y_train_hat, err_train, _) =
comp_train(comp_params_init, xyz_train, ind_train;
xyz_test = xyz_test,
ind_test = ind_test);
Evaluate test line performance & return additional terms that are useful for visualizing the compensation performance
# neural network compensation
(TL_perm, TL_induced, TL_eddy, TL_aircraft, B_unit, _, y_nn, _, y, y_hat, _, _) =
comp_m3_test(comp_params, lines_test, df_nav, df_flight, df_map);
Navigation performance
Ultimately, the compensated magnetometer values are used with a navigation algorithm, an extended Kalman filter (EKF) here. To prepare the flight data & map for the navigation filter, a few more objects are needed:
: trajectory (GPS) data structureins
: INS data structureitp_mapS
: interpolated map to pass to the filter to use for measurement evaluations(
): initialized covariance & noise matrices for the filter
map_name = df_nav[df_nav.line .== lines_test[1], :map_name][1]
traj = get_traj(xyz_test,ind_test) # trajectory (GPS) struct
ins = get_ins(xyz_test,ind_test;N_zero_ll=1) # INS struct, "zero" lat/lon to match first `traj` data point
mapS = get_map(map_name,df_map) # load map data
# get map values & map interpolation function
(map_val,itp_mapS) = get_map_val(mapS,traj;return_itp=true)
Compensate the magnetometer
Compute the compensated magnetometer values consistent with the :d
setting in NNCompParams
, that is, a correction has been learned that can be removed from the uncompensated measurement, producing the compensated measurement. The figure below illustrates performance as compared to the uncompensated figure above.
An assumed constant map-magnetometer bias is removed here, which is approximated at the first measurement. The diurnal & core (IGRF) fields must be included to leave only the nearly constant bias, if any.
mag_4_c = xyz_test.mag_4_uc[ind_test] - y_hat # neural network compensation
mag_4_c .+= (map_val + (xyz_test.diurnal + xyz_test.igrf)[ind_test] - mag_4_c)[1]
# first-order Gauss-Markov noise values
(sigma,tau) = get_autocor(mag_4_c - map_val)
(55, 16)
tt_test = ([ind_test] .-[ind_test][1]) / 60
p3 = plot(xlab="time [min]",ylab="magnetic field [nT]",dpi=200,
plot!(p3, tt_test, map_val + (xyz_test.diurnal + xyz_test.igrf)[ind_test],
lab="map value")
plot!(p3, tt_test, xyz_test.mag_1_c[ind_test], lab="compensated tail stinger")
plot!(p3, tt_test, mag_4_c, lab="compensated Mag 4")
Create a navigation filter model. Only the most relevant navigation filter parameters are shown.
(P0,Qd,R) = create_model(traj.dt,[1];
init_pos_sigma = 0.1,
init_alt_sigma = 1.0,
init_vel_sigma = 1.0,
meas_var = sigma^2, # increase if mag_use is bad
fogm_sigma = sigma,
fogm_tau = tau);
mag_use = mag_4_c
(crlb_out,ins_out,filt_out) = run_filt(traj,ins,mag_use,itp_mapS,:ekf;
drms_out = round(Int,sqrt(mean(filt_out.n_err.^2+filt_out.e_err.^2)))
Compensation and navigation animation
Make an animation of the navigation performance, keeping track of each component of the compensation terms emitted by model 3, projected into a 2D plane (north/east, removing the vertical components) to make visualization simpler. Ideally, you should see that the knowledge-integrated architecture in model 3 is mostly accounting for variations in the compensation field arising from the map/plane maneuvers in the Tolles-Lawson (TL) component, whereas the neural network (NN) correction is addressing any deviations due to current/voltage fluctuations.
Increase (or decrease) the skip_every
argument to exclude (or include) more frames, which speeds up (or slows down) the rendering time & decrease (or increase) the file size.
g1 = gif_animation_m3(TL_perm, TL_induced, TL_eddy, TL_aircraft, B_unit,
y_nn, y, y_hat, xyz_test,, filt_out.lon;
ind=ind_test, skip_every=20, tt_lim=(3.0,9.5))
Show detailed filter performance using plot_filt_err
(p4,p5) = plot_filt_err(traj, filt_out, crlb_out);